Friday, March 29, 2013

13.4 WOD, strategy, my turn, prediction

WELL we're in the tail end of the competition! They've given us a combination of a 7 minutes max toes to bar and moderately heavy clean and jerks.

Here we're going to look at the WOD, possible strategies, I'll give it a go and I'll predict the final WOD... It's gotta be the Fran style one we've seen in previous years.

13.4 The WOD

7 minute AMRAP
Clean and Jerk 61.25/43kg (135/95lbs)
Toes to Bar

Okay so it isn't a long one so find a fast pace and stick with it.
Clean the weight up but before locking out on the clean go straight into a jerk. Drop under utilise your legs, stand up and go again.
Remember to kip and for me I roll up and kick to get both feet on the bar while saving as much energy as possible.
Through transitions go as fast as you can.
There's not a lot of strategy for this one just go as fast as you can.

My turn
Okay so I felt okay about the weight 43kg, is under my max, I had a look at some other results and just wanted to get into the 12rep rounds.
Through the clean and jerks I focused on my technique big shoulders and leg drive for the clean, quick under. Now because I'm not as strong I did this movement in two.
The jerks I just focused on dropping under and saving my arms.
It worked a treat, I was just really pleased to get it up nicely. Felt amazing!
Then the toes to bar, I can't link them together yet so I just got up and kipped, completed and repeated.
I was surprised, although looking back on it I shouldn't have been, I managed to get up to the 9rep rounds in almost four minutes.
The first few rounds go really quickly.
I got through 5 c+js on the last round (12reps) giving me a grand total of 41 reps. Felt solid, I do actually wish to do it again but with Easter I don't know if that's possible.

12.5 WOD prediction
So far we're missing, chest to bar pull-ups, overhead squats and thrusters if you look back at previous years.
The only real WOD that fits this description is the FRANish one, so that's my prediction for next week. It's also been repeated twice in previous years
Fran rep ladder 7 min AMRAP
Thruster 45/30kg (100/65lbs)
Chest to bar pull-up

Good luck everyone. Check in next time for my go at 12.5 and a recap of this year.

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