Her name is Nancy and for those of you who don't know her... it's five rounds for time on 400m run then 15 overhead squats at 30kg.
So benchmark WODs are things that everyone wants to achieve when they do crossfit and this was the first one I ever completed about a year ago.
So ideally I wanted to do it in under 10 minutes which is crazy because that would be 2km in 10 minutes... okay that's not so bad... but then you'd also have to do 75 overhead squats.
Oh well either way I did it in 15.27 minutes! top of the board at crossfit northside for women! Last time I did it in 17.14 min, so we're getting better!
With all the support I'm getting from the gym I'm back on top of my motivational low. Thanks guys.
So like the hat says I gotta keep on trucking. Eventually things will improve. I guess that's a nice thought.
How about it if you're feeling low, do a WOD you haven't done in a while that incorporates the movements you're good at. You'll feel better.
It's funny how no matter how much I want one thing I get better at everything else. Messages to self - focus, abs on, do perfect technique and results will follow. Come on handstands, deadlifts and strict pullups. One day, one day.
On another note (inspired by those at CFNS on day 23 today) anyone keen for 100 burpee challenge? Day 1 - 1 burpee, Day 2 - 2 burpees.... so on and so forth. I'm deeply considering starting it next month with the hugely motivational Pip. At least at the end of it all burpees will seem really easy and we'll be awesome at them! Deal?
(pic of the week: my mini banana at work, on a diet? lol. it tasted like cardboard)
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