Follow me through the games as a first time competitor from Brisbane in a relatively new-to-the-scene sport that is a combination of strength, speed, endurance and technique. If you haven't got one you haven't got anything, but the motivation to get better.
Each Thursday (Wednesday in the US) for five weeks a Workout of the Day (WOD) is posted. All competitors across the globe entered in the Crossfit Games will try to get their best score for the WOD. They have a week and their videos will be posted online as proof.
The best scores move through the ranks - opens (my level), regionals (basically nationals), the games(for the 60 best athletes and 30 best teams).
Officially the first WOD comes out at 5pm February 22 that's PT + 18 hours and you get EST so bring on 11am Thursday, February 23.
I've now signed up for the competition added my affiliate Crossfit Northside, uploaded my pic and specifications. However not my best times, I'm only just starting to rack up the RXD (as prescribed also known as very hard without a handicap). I'll inform you more as time goes by, let's just hope I can do the first one as recommended and we'll take it from there.
Here we go... Let the Games begin!
(picture - that's me at a Crossfit Challenge in mid last year)
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