Here we're going to look at what movements we haven't done yet, what WOD 4 was last year and my prediction for this year...

So far we have had burpees, snatches, box jumps, toes to bar and push presses (which were essentially chest to overheads).
Keeping in mind we didn't do any kettle bell swings last year and no movements this year were new we're left with....
Double unders, pullups (chest to bar), cleans, wall balls, thrusters, push ups, dead lifts, squat clean, overhead squats, muscle ups.
This time last year we had...
10 min AMRAP
60 bar facing burpees
30 overhead squats
10 muscle ups
My prediction for the 2012 crossfit games open WOD 4 is
10 min AMRAP (haven't had one yet)
weights - lbs M: 135 W: 75 kgs M:60 W:35
30 double unders
15 deadlifts
10 cleans
5 overhead squats
That's my gut feeling... Especially after the hand carnage from toes to bar last week I think they'll save the chest to bars for the final week.
(picture hmmm the tea leaves seem to say kettle bells but I don't agree)
Come back to find out what the WOD is, my strategies and results and the final open games prediction next week :D
Although I wouldn't be surprised if we had deadlifts at least twice as heavy
ReplyDeleteRenee x